API documentation

How to start using our Public API

If you want to use our APIs in order to get updates on your data, you have two options to quickly get started.

Option A. Try our Postman Collection

Do you want to quickly get a feeling about how our api works? Just import our postman collection from the following link. Play with it and integrate.


Option B. Understand our API from the documentation

{{url}} = https://api.fullup.be

Generate tokens

POST {{url}}/auth/generate

Use this method to generate the token you will use in other requests

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "type": "bearer",
        "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjU3OGNiMWYxOWJkZDgwNTc3OGYzZmZkYyIsInV1aWQiOiJlMjA2MzVkYS03ZmU0LTQzM2EtYmMzMy1mZjkyNWFkM2FkNTIiLCJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoicmVmcmVzaCIsImlhdCI6MTU4Mzc3MjgxMiwiZXhwIjLHLKJHLKJHLKJHXXXXXXXXX",
        "token_expiration_date": "2020-03-23T16:53:32.545Z",
        "refresh_token_expiration_date": "2020-04-06T16:53:32.545Z"

Get IDs of tanks

GET {{url}}/loginApi?email=$email&password=$password

This command is used to generate tokens in order to further use the get tanks methods

Query Parameters


    "success": true,
    "result": [

Get Tank Info

GET {{url}}/tanks_public/:id

This API call provides you all the informations about a specific tank you own. Please note that you can only collect data about tanks if you are the owner.

Path Parameters


    "success": true,
    "result": {
        "address_street": "Street",
        "address_number": "1",
        "address_box": "1",
        "address_postcode": "1000",
        "address_city": "Brussels",
        "address_country": "Belgium",
        "owner_email": "demotank@fullup.be",
        "device_full_serial": "sigfox_XXXX3",
        "tank_id": "5db07c8036c612593f364d1b",
        "tank_name": "Ma citerne",
        "tank_usage": "fuel",
        "tank_diameter": null,
        "tank_height": 200,
        "tank_length": 100,
        "tank_chimney": 3,
        "tank_shape": "cuboid",
        "tank_total_volume": 2000,
        "tank_notification_level": 50,
        "last_measure_date": "2020-03-10T09:00:01.184Z",
        "current_volume": 1580,
        "current_temperature": 1.9,
        "estimated_volume": 1580,
        "last_connection_date": "2020-03-10T09:00:01.239Z"


  • Currently, for security reasons you only get access to the tanks where you are set up as owner

  • For customisations, just change the {{url}} variable. If you are not sure about which URL to use, contact us (support@fullup.be)

  • If you need access to specific functionalities, contact us (support@fullup.be)

GET last tank data

GET {{url}}/tanks/:id/data

GET the last 3 days of data

Path Parameters


  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "tank": "5e8f185d263d46c0775b140c",
      "date": "2020-07-14T10:48:36.261Z",
      "serial": "sigfox_2F7213",
      "sbatt": 64920,
      "temperature": 22.8,
      "distance": 79,
      "src": "10",
      "validated": true,
      "log_id": "5eccf4040448f7a4079d4c46",
      "volume": 7299,
      "id": "5eccf404d5c30d04221da62b"
  "nb_total": 105

Last updated